9th International Scientific Conference on the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders

June 20 - 23, 2016

PREMUS 2016 Toronto

Listen again to PREMUS 2016 keynote speeches

The PREMUS 2016 keynote speakers offered fresh and interesting perspectives on four very different areas of musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) prevention research: risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome, the optimal mix of sitting and standing on the job, the role of stretch programs in construction safety culture, and the implications of sex and gender on interventions to prevent work-related MSDs. We recently posted slidecasts of all four keynotes so you can listen to them again, and share them with colleagues who were unable to make it to the conference.

Listen to the keynote slidecasts

Download abstracts book from PREMUS site

We know it was impossible to make every session at PREMUS 2016. While nothing beats hearing the presentations in person, summaries are available for you to download. The PREMUS 2016 book of abstracts now contains the full listing of oral and poster presentations. It makes for a great reference of the latest findings in the world of MSD prevention research.

Download abstracts book from PREMUS site

Conference photos capture a fun, engaged bunch!

We've compiled our photos from PREMUS 2016, and they sure convey what a memorable conference it was. It's nice to see how engaged you were in hearing and talking about the latest in MSD prevention research, and how much fun you had exploring Toronto and hanging out with colleagues at various social events. The photos are now available on the PREMUS 2016 website.

See the conference photos

Don’t forget to fill out the evaluation form

If you haven’t already, please fill out the PREMUS 2016 evaluation form. This Qualtrics survey is only a short one, but the feedback you provide will help ensure future PREMUS conferences are as valuable and enjoyable as possible. The survey closes August 19, 2016.

Complete the evaluation

Keep in touch: Sign up for IWH News

PREMUS 2016 delegates will now be receiving IWH News—the monthly e-alert from the host of PREMUS 2016, the Institute for Work & Health. The easy-to-read e-newsletter will help you keep up on the Institute’s latest MSD and other work-related injury and disability prevention research. If you didn’t register for the conference, you can still sign up by clicking on the link below. Or share the link with a colleague who may be interested in IWH research.

Sign up for IWH's monthly e-newsletter

See you in Bologna in 2019!

This is the last official communication from us, the hosts of PREMUS 2016. We thank you all—presenters, delegates, volunteers, guests—for making it such a great and memorable time. We really enjoyed it, and hope you did, too. We look forward to seeing all of you in three year’s time in the beautiful city of Bologna.

Our Partners / Sponsors

International Commission on Occupational Health International Commission on Occupational HealthInstitute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis Institute of Gender and Health Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council of OntarioFanshawe College

Conference Host

Institute for Work & Health


c/o Institute for Work & Health
481 University Avenue, Suite 800
Toronto, ON   M5G 2E9



t: 416-927-2027 ext. 2297
f: 416-927-4167