At Work 52 (Spring 2008)

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Work accommodation offers are on the rise, but not always accepted

Workplaces in Ontario are headed in the right direction when it comes to offering injured employees a work accommodation, but there’s still more work to be done.

A return to work may not mean a full recovery

When workers return to work after an injury, it may not mean that they have fully recovered, a new Institute for Work & Health study suggests.

More evidence in favour of return to work and disability management

A new review has confirmed that disability management and return-towork programs are effective, replicating findings from two other systematic reviews from the Institute for Work & Health (IWH).

New tool opens dialogue on return-to-work issues

In recent years, the Institute for Work & Health’s Knowledge Transfer and Exchange department has made tool development a priority.

IWH has a rich history in return-to-work research

Dr. John Frank, one of IWH's first senior scientists, talks about Institute's rich history in return-to-work research.

HSAs to develop an education role in return to work

Ontario’s Health and Safety Associations (HSAs) may soon take a more active role in educating their clients in work disability prevention and return to work, which is also known as secondary prevention.

"Toxic dose" of too many problems can lead to long-term claims

Institute for Work & Health researchers try to understand the factors that led to long-term or prolonged claims by interviewing injured workers, peer supporters and service providers from across Ontario.

Mental health issues and medication use in injured workers

For some injured workers, their experiences dealing with a lost-time claim have led to mental health problems or issues with medication use. As part of their study, IWH researchers looked more closely at these two areas