Journal articles

This database lists peer-reviewed journal articles, books and book chapters that include an Institute for Work & Health (IWH) scientist or researcher (past or present) as an author. Clicking any title will allow you to view a detailed citation and, if available, an abstract. For journal articles by IWH and non-IWH researchers in the areas of occupational health and safety, return to work, workers' compensation, public health and others within the IWH mandate, see our Research Alerts.


Rivilis I, Cole DC, Frazer MB, Kerr MS, Wells R, Ibrahim S. Evaluation of a participatory ergonomic intervention aimed at improving musculoskeletal health. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2006;49(10):801-810. doi:10.1002/ajim.20382.
Alamgir H, Koehoorn M, Ostry A, Tompa E, Demers P. Evaluation of hospital discharge records as a tool for serious work related injury surveillance. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2006;63(4):290-296. doi:10.1136/oem.2005.026047.
Hayden JA, Cote P, Bombardier C. Evaluation of the quality of prognosis studies in systematic reviews. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2006;144(6):427-437.
Culyer AJ. Evidence, economics and values in coverage decisions. In: Morgan S, editors. Toward a national pharmaceuticals strategy. Vancouver: Centre for Health Services and Policy Research UBC; 2006.
Tannenbaum H, Bombardier C, Davis P, Russell AS. Evidence-based approach to prescribing nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Third Canadian Consensus Conference. Journal of Rheumatology. 2006;33(1):140-157.
Williams A, Franche RL, Ibrahim S, Mustard C, Layton FR. Examining the relationship between work-family spillover and sleep quality. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 2006;11(1):27-37. doi:10.1037/1076-8998.11.1.27.
Koehoorn M, Cole DC, Hertzman C, Lee H. Health care use associated with work-related musculoskeletal disorders among hospital workers. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2006;16(3):402-415. doi:10.1007/s10926-006-9022-7.
Culyer AJ, editors. Health economics: critical perspectives on the world health economy. Abingdon, UK: Routledge; 2006.
Beaton DE, Tugwell P, Boers M. Health outcomes assessment. In: , editors. Green's rheumatology.
Brown JA, McDonough P, Mustard C, Shannon HS. Healthcare use before and after a workplace injury in British Columbia, Canada. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2006;63(6):396-403. doi:10.1136/oem.2005.022707.
Gagnier J, van Tulder MW, Berman B, Bombardier C. Herbal medicine for low back pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2006;CD004504-. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD004504.pub3.
Alamgir H, Koehoorn M, Ostry A, Tompa E, Demers P. How many work-related injuries requiring hospitalization in British Columbia are claimed for workers' compensation?. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2006;49(6):443-451. doi:10.1002/ajim.20308.
Franche RL, Pole JD, Hogg-Johnson S, Vidmar M, Breslin FC. Impact of work-related musculoskeletal disorders on workers' caregiving activities. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2006;49(9):780-790. doi:10.1002/ajim.20352.
Cole DC, Van Eerd D, Bigelow P, Rivilis I. Integrative interventions for MSDs: nature, evidence, challenges & directions. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2006;16(3):359-374. doi:10.1007/s10926-006-9032-5.
Frank JW, Lomax G, Baird P, Lock M. Interactive role of genes and the environment. In: Heymann SJ, Hertzman C, Barer M, Evans R, editors. Healthier societies: from analysis to action.
Breslin FC, Smith PM, Koehoorn M, Lee H. Is the workplace becoming safer?. Perspectives on Labour and Income. 2006;7(7):18-23.
Furlan AD, Irvin E, Bombardier C. Limited search strategies were effective in finding relevant nonrandomized studies. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2006;59(12):1303-1311. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2006.03.004.
Etches V, Frank JW, Di Ruggiero E, Manuel DG. Measuring population health: a review of indicators. Annual Review of Public Health. 2006;27:29-55. doi:10.1146/annurev.publhealth.27.021405.102141.
Culyer AJ. Merit goods and the welfare economics of coercion. In: Ver Eecke W, editors. Merit goods: the birth of a new concept. The unfinished ethical revolution in economic theory.
Breen AC, van Tulder MW, Koes BW, Jensen I, Reardon R, Bronfort G. Mono-disciplinary or multidisciplinary back pain guidelines? How can we achieve a common message in primary care?. European Spine Journal. 2006;15(5):641-647. doi:10.1007/s00586-005-0883-9.
Theberge N, Granzow K, Cole DC, Laing AC. Negotiating participation: understanding the 'how' in an ergonomic change team. Applied Ergonomics. 2006;37(2):239-248. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2005.01.020.