Journal articles

This database lists peer-reviewed journal articles, books and book chapters that include an Institute for Work & Health (IWH) scientist or researcher (past or present) as an author. Clicking any title will allow you to view a detailed citation and, if available, an abstract. For journal articles by IWH and non-IWH researchers in the areas of occupational health and safety, return to work, workers' compensation, public health and others within the IWH mandate, see our Research Alerts.


Hurley J, Pasic D, Lavis JN, Culyer AJ, Mustard C, Gnam W. Parallel payers and preferred access: how Canada's Workers' Compensation Boards expedite care for injured and ill workers. Healthcare Papers. 2008;8(3):42900.
Cote P, Baldwin ML, Johnson WG, Frank JW, Butler RJ. Patterns of sick-leave and health outcomes in injured workers with back pain. European Spine Journal. 2008;17(4):484-493. doi:10.1007/s00586-007-0577-6.
Cote P, Kristman VL, Vidmar M, Van Eerd D, Hogg-Johnson S, Beaton DE, Smith PM. Prevalence and incidence of work absenteeism involving neck pain: a cohort of Ontario lost-time claimants. Spine. 2008;33(4):S192-S198. doi:10.1097/BRS.0b013e3181644616.
Kristman VL, Cote P, Van Eerd D, Vidmar M, Rezai M, Hogg-Johnson S, Wennberg RA, Cassidy JD. Prevalence of lost-time claims for mild traumatic brain injury in the working population: improving estimates using workers compensation databases. Brain Injury. 2008;22(1):51-59. doi:10.1080/02699050701849991.
Bhandari M, Busse JW, Hanson BP, Leece P, Ayeni OR, Schemitsch E. Psychological distress and quality of life after orthopedic trauma: an observational study. Canadian Journal of Surgery. 2008;51(1):15-22.
Targino RA, Imamura M, Kaziyama HH, Souza LP, Hsing WT, Furlan AD, Imamura ST, Azevedo Neto RS. Randomized controlled trial of acupuncture added to usual treatment for fibromyalgia. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2008;40(7):582-588. doi:10.2340/16501977-0216.
Breslin FC, Tompa E, Zhao R, Pole JD, Amick B, Smith PM, Hogg-Johnson S. Relationship between job tenure and work disability absence among adults: a prospective study. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 2008;40(1):368-375. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2007.07.007.
Carroll LJ, Hurwitz EL, Cote P, Hogg-Johnson S, Carragee EJ, Nordin M, Holm LW, van der Velde G, Cassidy JD, Guzman J, Peloso P, Haldeman S. Research priorities and methodological implications: the Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders. Spine. 2008;33(4):S214-S220. doi:10.1097/BRS.0b013e318164462c.
Cassidy JD, Boyle E, Cote P, He Y, Hogg-Johnson S, Silver FL, Bondy SJ. Risk of vertebrobasilar stroke and chiropractic care: results of a population-based case-control and case-crossover study. Spine. 2008;33(4):S176-S183. doi:10.1097/BRS.0b013e3181644600.
Karmakar SD, Breslin FC. Role of educational level and job characteristics on the health of young adults. Social Science & Medicine. 2008;66(9):2011-2022. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.01.017.
Mansyur C, Amick B, Harrist RB, Franzini L. Social capital, income inequality, and self-rated health in 45 countries. Social Science & Medicine. 2008;66(1):43-56. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.08.015.
Keown K, Van Eerd D, Irvin E. Stakeholder engagement opportunities in systematic reviews: knowledge transfer for policy and practice. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 2008;28(2):67-72. doi:10.1002/chp.159.
Tompa E, de Oliveira C, Dolinschi R, Irvin E. Systematic review of disability management interventions with economic evaluations. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2008;18(1):16-26. doi:10.1007/s10926-007-9116-x.
Carragee EJ, Hurwitz EL, Cheng I, Carroll LJ, Nordin M, Guzman J, Peloso P, Holm LW, Cote P, Hogg-Johnson S, van der Velde G, Cassidy JD, Haldeman S. Treatment of neck pain: injections and surgical interventions: results of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders. Spine. 2008;33(4):S153-S169. doi:10.1097/BRS.0b013e31816445ea.
Hurwitz EL, Carragee EJ, van der Velde G, Carroll LJ, Nordin M, Guzman J, Peloso P, Holm LW, Cote P, Hogg-Johnson S, Cassidy JD, Haldeman S. Treatment of neck pain: noninvasive interventions: Results of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010 Task Force on Neck Pain and its Associated Disorders. Spine. 2008;33(4):S123-S152. doi:10.1097/BRS.0b013e3181644b1d.
Smith PM, Polanyi M. Understanding the health of work. In: Raphael D, editors. Social determinants of health: Canadian perspectives. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press Inc.; 2008.
Hurley J, Pasic D, Lavis JN, Culyer AJ, Mustard C, Gnam W. Unequal access: the authors respond. Healthcare Papers. 2008;8(3):52-54.


Alamgir H, Tompa E, Demers P, Koehoorn M, Ostry A. Accuracy of injury coding in a Canadian workers compensation system. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - Australia and New Zealand. 2007;23(4):349-355.
Wijeysundera HC, Austin PC, Mustard C, Chong A, Alter DA. Age-social stratification designs had a negligible impact on income-mortality associations. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2007;60(6):579-584. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2006.11.011.
Breslin FC, Pole JD, Tompa E, Amick B, Smith PM, Hogg-Johnson S. Antecedents of work disability absence among young people: a prospective study. Annals of Epidemiology. 2007;17(10):814-820. doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2007.04.004.
Yang X, Cote P, Cassidy JD, Carroll LJ. Association between body mass index and recovery from whiplash injuries: a cohort study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2007;165(9):1063-1069. doi:10.1093/aje/kwk110.