Promoting mental health: Lancaster House and U of T's CIRHR training program


12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Too often, workplaces deal with mental health in a reactive way. Workers with mental health conditions may be accommodated under human rights policies and legislation, and workers who have experienced traumatic events may be granted workers' compensation benefits. Yet it is now recognized that a reactive approach is inadequate. Given the changing nature of work and developing legal obligations, proactive approaches to employee mental health are increasingly called for.

With this in mind, Lancaster House and the University of Toronto's Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources (CIRHR) have developed a professional learning program for labour relations professionals who are interested in implementing and/or improving a comprehensive workplace psychological health and safety management system in their workplace.

This program is led by Dr. Emile Tompa, senior scientist at the Institute for Work & Health and co-director of the Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy. Held over three days (October 20, 21 and 26), the program will provide participants with the latest evidence-based guidance on ensuring workplace psychological health and safety, emphasizing collaborative union-management strategies.