Safety climate: The role of leadership in enhancing workplace safety

Lecture starts 5:30 p.m.
Reception 6:30 p.m.

Design Exchange
234 Bay Street, 2nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario

David Stuewe
Dalhousie University

There is increasing recognition of the influence of workplace safety culture and safety climate in protecting the health of employees. With this recognition comes a heightened interest in effective approaches for strengthening workplace safety climate and safety culture. The 2007 Nachemson Memorial Lecture will explore the role of executive and front-line leadership in creating and maintaining workplace cultures that promote safety. Professor Stuewe will present case studies showing the importance of measuring workplace climate through the eyes of workers. He will describe the effectiveness of leadership training of both managers and supervisors as a key instrument in strengthening the safety culture of a workplace.

About presenter(s)

David Stuewe is Professor of Public Administration at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. For 11 years, he was Chief Executive Officer of the Workers’ Compensation Board of Nova Scotia.

About the Alf Nachemson Memorial Lecture

The annual Alf Nachemson Memorial Lecture honours the significant contribution of Dr. Alf Nachemson to the use of research evidence in clinical decision-making. Dr. Nachemson was a distinguished orthopaedic surgeon and researcher from Sweden, and a founding member of the Institute for Work & Health’s Scientific Advisory Committee.  The lectureship is awarded to a prominent national or international individual who has made a significant and unique contribution to evidence-based practice or policy-making in the prevention of work-related injury, illness or disability.