The demographic and contextual correlates of work-related repetitive strain injuries among Canadian men and women

Publication type
Journal article
Breslin FC, Ibrahim S, Smith PM, Mustard C, Amick B, Shankardass K
Date published
2013 Oct 01
American Journal of Industrial Medicine
Open Access?

BACKGROUND: The study sought to identify gender differences in work-related repetitive strain injuries (RSI), as well as examine the degree to which non-work factors such as family roles interact with gender to modify RSI risk. Another aim is to examine whether there are potential provincial differences in work-related RSI risk. METHODS: The 2003/2005 Canadian Community Health Survey included over 89,000 respondents who reported working in the past 12 months. Separate multi-level models for men and women were used to identify the correlates of work-related RSIs. RESULTS: Women reported sustaining more work-related RSIs than men. Also, having one or more children in the household was associated with lower work-related RSI risk for females. Both men and women in British Columbia reported higher work-related RSI rates than in Ontario. CONCLUSIONS: Gender contributes to RSI risk in multiple and diverse ways based on labor market segregation, non-work exposures, and possibly biological vulnerability, which suggests more tailored interventions. Also, the provincial differences indicate that monitoring and surveillance of work injury across jurisdictions can assist in province-wide prevention and occupational health and safety evaluation. Am. J. Ind. Med. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc