Published: April 10, 2007

NAOSH Week events run in May

North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week runs from May 6-12 this year. This annual event focuses on the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace. In Ontario, NAOSH Week events include the Steps for Life walkathon in Thunder Bay, Hamilton and Toronto to raise funds for families who have experienced a workplace tragedy.

The Institute for Work & Health is involved with Ontario’s NAOSH week committee, which consists of many provincial prevention partners. The Ontario committee has created a health and safety checklist to raise awareness among employers. For more information, visit the NAOSH Week website at

IWH scientist wins teaching award

Dr. Ellen MacEachen, an Institute scientist, was presented with a teaching award from the University of Toronto (U of T). MacEachen received the Robin Badgley Award for Excellence in Teaching (Early Career) at the annual awards dinner of the Department of Public Health Sciences at U of T in March. She teaches a course in qualitative research methods for graduate students.

Compensation symposium in June

Dr. Cameron Mustard, President of the Institute, has been invited to speak at the Third International Workers’ Compensation Symposium in Munich, Germany. This meeting, which will take place in June, is being organized by the Workers’ Compensation Unit of Munich. The symposium features speakers from the International Labour Organization, World Health Organization and several national compensation systems in Europe,among others.

New Canadian Cochrane website

The Canadian Cochrane Network and Centre has launched a new website at This new site is designed to have information geared to specific audiences such as researchers, health-care providers, consumers and policymakers. In addition, presentations are available from the 5th Canadian Cochrane Symposium: Knowledge for Health, held in February. The Institute is linked to this network as IWH hosts the Cochrane Back Review Group, one of five review groups in Canada that conducts systematic reviews on the effectiveness of clinical treatment.

Guidelines conference in August

The Guidelines International Network (G-I-N) is holding its 4th Annual Conference in Toronto from August 22-25. The Institute is one of the co-sponsors of this event, which is the first North American conference of its kind. The theme of the conference is “Collaboration in Clinical Practice Guidelines.” There will be sessions on successful implementation, guidelines to help policymakers, and fitting clinical guidelines into the real world