Project directory

The project directory includes Institute for Work & Health (IWH) research studies that were initiated in 2015 onward (as well as a few large studies that were ongoing in 2015). The directory also includes studies conducted under IWH’s Systematic Review Program since it began in 2005. For information on Institute studies initiated before 2015, see our Accomplishments Reports. Studies are either ongoing or completed. Ongoing studies are listed in alphabetical order. Completed studies are listed by year of completion, beginning with the most recently completed.

Project title Status

Understanding the activity patterns of Canadians at work and outside of work, and their association with overall health

Research team: Aviroop Biswas (PI), Cameron Mustard, Peter Smith, Stephanie Prince Ware


Understanding the injury experience of Ontario small businesses through workers’ compensation claims data

Research team: Lynda Robson (PI), Cameron Mustard, Peter Smith


Understanding the role of parental employment quality in child mental health

Research team: Faraz Vahid Shahidi (PI), Anne Fuller (PI), Kathy Georgiades, Jinette Comeau, Arjumand Siddiqi, Gita Wahi, Andrew Pinto


Using decision-tree machine learning to identify worker movement typologies

Research team: Aviroop Biswas (PI), Kathleen Dobson, Faraz Vahid Shahidi, Peter Smith, Stephanie Prince, Daniel Fuller


Validation study of Occupational Stress Injury Resiliency Tool

Research team: Peter Smith (PI), Kay Nasir


What are the long-term health and labour market outcomes of workers who experienced work-related COVID-19 transmission?

Research team: Peter Smith (PI), Nancy Carnide, Arif Jetha, Cameron Mustard, Victoria Nadalin, Colette Severin, Mieke Koehoorn, Cheryl Peters


Cost to Canadians of excluding people with disabilities from the labour market

Research team: Emile Tompa (PI), Young Jung

Completed 2022

Do work exposures and their effects differ for men and women? A systematic review

Research team: Aviroop Biswas (PI), Peter Smith, Emma Irvin, Mieke Koehoorn

Completed 2022

Estimating the financial benefits of OHS prevention expenditures: a study of Ontario employers

Research team: Cameron Mustard (PI), Emile Tompa, Basak Yanar

Completed 2022

Evaluating prevention strategies to reduce the risk of work-related cancers in Ontario’s construction sector

Research team: Emile Tompa (PI), Young Jung, Amir Mofidi

Completed 2021

Improving information on the incidence of work-related injuries and illnesses in Ontario

Research team: Cameron Mustard (PI), Aviroop Biswas, Victoria Landsman, Peter Smith

Completed 2021

What is the extent and nature of claim suppression in British Columbia?

Research team: Ron Saunders (PI), John O'Grady, Cameron Mustard

Completed 2021

Assessing the human and economic burden of workplace cancer in Canada

Research team: Emile Tompa (PI), Amir Mofidi

Completed 2020

Developing recommendations for an integrated approach to workplace health protection and health promotion

Research team: Aviroop Biswas (PI), Momtaz Begum, Monique Gignac, Peter Smith, Dwayne Van Eerd

Completed 2020

Getting the message right: strengthening RTW communication in B.C.'s health-care sector

Research team: Arif Jetha (PI), Monique Gignac, Cameron Mustard, Catherine Backman

Completed 2020

How RTW differs for workers with psychological injuries, older workers

Research team: Peter Smith (PI), , Anthony LaMontagne, Rebbecca Lilley, Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, Michael Sim

Completed 2020

Inter-jurisdictional comparison of OHS and workers’ compensation system performance

Research team: Christopher McLeod, Ben Amick, Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, Cameron Mustard, Peter Smith, Alex Collie, Mieke Koehoorn, Allen Kraut

Completed 2020

MSD prevention: a practical implementation guide for Newfoundland and Labrador

Research team: Dwayne Van Eerd (PI), Emma Irvin (PI), Siobhan Cardoso, Maggie Tiong

Completed 2020

Occupational health and safety performance in Ontario's unionized construction sector

Research team: Lynda Robson (PI), Cameron Mustard (PI), Victoria Landsman, Desiree Latour-Villamil, Hyunmi Lee

Completed 2020

Role of accommodations and communication practices in supporting the employment participation of Canadians living with disabilities

Research team: Monique Gignac (PI), Arif Jetha (PI), Julie Bowring

Completed 2020

Role of employers and settlement agencies in safe employment integration

Research team: Peter Smith (PI), Basak Yanar (PI), Kay Nasir, Stephanie Premji

Completed 2020

Best practices for work disability prevention management systems: a scoping review in support of new Canadian standard

Research team: Emile Tompa (PI), Emma Irvin, Quenby Mahood, Amin Yazdani

Completed 2019

Central nervous system agents and the risk of workplace injury and death: a systematic review

Research team: Nancy Carnide (PI), Andrea Furlan (PI), Kim Cullen, Emma Irvin, Quenby Mahood, Christopher McLeod, Dwayne Van Eerd, Paul Farnan, Gary Franklin, Launette Rieb, Peter Rothfels

Completed 2019

Costs of work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths in the European Union

Research team: Emile Tompa (PI), Amir Mofidi, Young Jung

Completed 2019

Evaluating the implementation of a participatory organizational change intervention in long-term care

Research team: Dwayne Van Eerd (PI), Ben Amick, Kim Cullen, Teresa D'Elia, Era Mae Ferron, Sheilah Hogg-Johnson, Cameron Mustard, Lynda Robson, Ivan Steenstra, Henrietta Van Hulle, Richard Wells

Completed 2019